Hayashida (Boys 13-14), Jung (Boys 15-18) and McDonald (Girls) Take home Trophies in 2018 Ka’anapali Hawaii State Junior Golf Association (HSJGA) Match Play Championship
After a grueling day in the heat, second seed Joshua Hayashida outmatched first seed Marshall Kim in 21 holes today [...]
I will never forget the first time I drove up the hill toward the landmark Frank Lloyd Wright-designed, 75,000 [...]
Visiting golfers who read this article online are eligible to take advantage of special rates to play at either of the two Kaanapali Golf Courses, the Dunes at Maui Lani, and the Pukalani Country Club. The Kaanapali Golf Courses, The Dunes, and Pukalani have extended to us a limited number of [...]
I will never forget the first time I drove up the hill toward the landmark Frank Lloyd Wright-designed, 75,000 square-foot clubhouse that is now The King Kamehameha Golf Club. It was the early [...]
Linksland Golf: The Challenge Without the Chill.
The Dunes at Maui Lani provides an exhilarating game of golf, more likely [...]
Legends Return to Maui’s Hallowed Ground
It’s been years in the making, and it’s ready: Ka‘anapali is back! Slowly, [...]
Interview: Robert Trent Jones
Robert Trent Jones, Jr.: Yes, there are, but I think Makena is one of my [...]
Interview: Robert Trent Jones
Robert Trent Jones, Jr.: Yes, there are, but I think Makena is one of my [...]
Hawaii Honored: The King Kamehameha Golf Club
I will never forget the first time I drove up the hill toward the landmark [...]
The Grande Dame of Maui Golf
Maui’s “must-play” place: Wailea Old Blue the legendary golf course [...]
The Grande Dame of Maui Golf
Maui’s “must-play” place: Wailea Old Blue the legendary golf course [...]
Hawaiiʻs Golden Shore
In the lee of the great dormant volcano Haleakala, today’s visitors find [...]
Hawaii’s Road Less Traveled
Lanai Golf Hawaii’s Road Less Traveled By George Fuller Photographed by [...]