In what is certainly not a seminal moment in golf journalism, Marie and I ventured out onto the links land of Maui Lani to ‘cover’ the first round of this year’s Maui Open, and [...]
Action photos taken by me, the great, of the first round at the 2014 Maui Open Golf Championship at the Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course in Kahului, on the isle of Maui. Rest-assured the field [...]
Retired PGA pro and course GM Dave Gleason introduces the newly redesigned 4th hole at the Dunes to all in this quick Maui Golf Review video overview of Maui’s famed Hawaiian links.
Photos of the final round’s action at the 2013 Maui Open Golf Tournament at the Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course. We were doing double-duty that day shooting both stills and videos with one [...]
‘Twas a hot, sunny broiler with intermittent breaks from the heat as an occasional cloud hovered over. The winds were howling for the second consecutive day, and with pressure bearing down [...]
Local knowledge certainly helps at The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course, and no one knows that better than the linksland course’s head Aloha Section PGA golf professional, Garrett Okamura, [...]
Opening round footage shot by Marie and I of late-afternoon championship flight play on the closing holes of the Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course on the Valley Isle of Maui. Includes overnight [...]